Tag: IDM

The Nature of Space (mix)

Back in time, to rediscover the Artificial Intelligence sound; binding organic and technological to create bliss.

Low Speed Rail (mix)

Imagine turning all those frenetic signals of modern life down, from 11 to 1. The noise of the internet becomes the hum of the fridge, the din of current events becomes the slow motion flow of a backwater brook. Energy is experienced rather than expended. Let the world work itself into a frenzy if it likes, you can watch it at quarter-speed and smile.

Sublight – How much do you Remember? (mix)

As time moves on, events become hazier. There were these things that happened in the small hours, between the depth of night and the gauze of early light. A pre-dawn ritual of breathing in the faint light on the horizon and knowing that we were fully alive. We partied all night in ravines, warehouses, and under bridges, courted death and life all in the same moment, wishing with all our hearts we would see what lay on the edge of reality. When morning came, it was not disappointment or end, but continuance and renewal. This daybreak ritual, and the music which accompanied it was otherworldly.

GHOST TRANSMISSIONS #80 – This Apocalypse is Intoxicating

Breathe deep, the wild fire smoke; let the heat seethe through your pores. Hear the warble of the music replace birds, the noise replace rainfall. The intoxicating hypnosis of global paralysis has us in the grip of her siren song.

GHOST TRANSMISSIONS #68 – Early Morning Flashback

A reminder of the possibility of magical moments in dubious hours of the morning. 2 hours of vinyl, from 90’s to the present, that belong to the wee hours, to chillout rooms, to post-rave ecstatic crashes.

Quarantine Mix 49: Final Dose

GHOST TRANSMISSIONS #63 – Past Sound of Future London

This month, a diversion into the textures of the ether. Two hours of vinyl from a range of Future Sound of London projects and eras.

GHOST TRANSMISSIONS #40 – A Night at the Cinema

Use your powers of synesthesia to hear the film, to taste the colours and shade. As always, an all vinyl mix, recorded live.